Saturday, September 17, 2011

threesixfive, days 251 thru 257

we had a pretty normal week. i've recently become addicted to pinterest. its like crack for a crafty person, or even a wannabe, which is more what i am. so many things on there make me think i can actually do some pretty cool stuff. case in point: see saturdays picture....but not yet! you have to look at sunday thru friday first!

sunday, day 251
i finished my fabric wreath sunday afternoon, and hung it on the front door. im pretty pleased with it.

monday, day 252
today was my pawpaws 86th birthday. the kids and i took him to lunch, and downtown to the lyndon b. johnson presidential museum. we had a fun afternoon, and everyone was sufficiently worn out.

tuesday, day 253
after we finished up school, we made a last minute trip to the pool; perhaps the last of the year. not becuase its not still hot enough (it definitely is!), but because we dont really have the time now that we're back into our school routine.

wednesday, day 254

awanas started back up tonight, so the verses went up on the board. colby didnt finish his book last year, so he has a bit of catching up to do before hes on pace with the other kids. :-/

thursday, day 255

colby wasnt feeling very good thursday morning, and was just kind of icky off and on all day. i think its his allergies. anyway, at one point he crawled under the covers in my bed, and molly curled up next to him to make him feel better. i love moments like these.

friday, day 256

it rained!!! finally after 4 months it rained!! it was a light rain, and only lasted about ten minutes, but it was glorious! youd have thought it was snowing unicorns or something from the way we all reacted.

saturday, day 257


my melted crayon art!!! i got the idea off pinterest, and it worked fabulously. its now hanging on the wall in the schoolroom. hooray!

i hope everyone has a great week! allen and i celebrate our 10th anniversary on thursday, but other than that it will be a standard week around here.

be blessed!


sara said...

I saw that crayon art on Pinterest....yours looks EXACTLY like it!!!!

love, love the picture of Molly cuddling with her big brother!

Happy anniversary this week!!

LuAnn said...

I am doing Pinterest too. Semi new to it. I will have to look your boards up. That crayon art is sooo cute.

Kinda nice to be back in a routine!!


Love the crayon art. I saw it on pinterest too. I also want to know how you made that wreath. I want to make one. Where can I find the directions?

The Bug said...

Love the art! And your wreath looks great too. Happy anniversary!

riTa Koch said...

Blessings as you begin 11 years together!
Sweet sibling pic!
Never heard of pinterest...hmmm