here are the pictures for the week.....
sunday, day 230
we got home from church and had nothing to do the rest of the day. it was glorious. we broke out into spontaneous wrestling mid-afternoon.
monday, day 231
allen took the kids to the ballpark before dinner to participate in the city-wide rain dance. thats why spike (the mascot) is holding the umbrella and wearing a poncho. unfortunately it didnt work. :-(
tuesday, day 232
molly had me put together a tea party for her and colby. she doesnt like tea, though, so she had sunny d. colby had (cold) tea....and i didnt have tea biscuits or whatever youre supposed to have with tea, so fig newtons had to do.
wedensday, day 233
my birds arent near as pretty as the bugs birds, but there they are...actually theyre not pretty at all...but we have a rabbit!
random train. i liked the different colored cars.
today we met mimi halfway and she took molly for a few days. tomorrow we meet again and she and colby will switch. friday night colby got to pick what he wanted to do. we went to gattiland for dinner, played some games, then as an added bonus, we met up with some friends for bowling. it was a fun evening.
a mid afternoon snack. nutritious, yes? anything that turns your tongue blue must be good for you. that means theres blueberries in it.