Sunday, October 30, 2011

threesixfive, days 292 thru 298

we had quite a week, full of ups and downs, and finally some fall weather. sunday it was announced to the church that allen will be stepping into a new position as family pastor, and will be overseeing babies thru 12th grade. its an exciting but somewhat daunting step to take. they're looking to hire a youth associate and soon after that a childrens director. please keep us and our church in your prayers.

sunday, day 292
i watched the youth workers' kids for allens meeting, and was happy to get this shot of colby with tate. he loves babies.

monday, day 293
i finally took some of my feathers out. these are the ones i had put in back in march!! MARCH! they were way grown out, obviously. i still have the others from june. i'll leave them in a bit longer.

tuesday, day 294
i was at the hospital for a lot of the day with our dear friends the barners. lauren found out about 16 weeks into her pregnancy that their baby had a terminal condition and would not live outside the womb. knowing that life is a gift from God, they chose to carry their baby to term and love her for as long as the Lord would allow them to here on this earth. caroline joy was born tuesday afternoon, and lived for 66 minutes before going to be with her heavenly father. they have an incredible story you can watch below. they are truly incredible people.

Parent Commitment for Caroline Joy Barner. from Central Round Rock on Vimeo.

wednesday, day 295
i posted this painting to craigslist. it was in our formal dining room, which is no more. i hate to see it go, but if it doesnt sell it will wait in the attic until i have another room to put it in.

thursday, day 296

molly graduated from level one swim school!! she started in june and progressed beautifully! next week she'll be in level two with colby.

friday, day 297

happy 7th birthday to me sweet boy. you can read his thoughts about the day here. (click on it.)

saturday, day 298

we spent the morning at our churches fall festival. our friends the farrells have triplets, and played on that for their halloween costumes. they were adorable.

whew, i'm tired from reliving all that through my words and pictures just now.

i hope you have a fabulous week!!


The Bug said...

Oh I LOVE those three little pigs - too cute! And that Molly with her hands on her hips :)

So sorry for your friends - losing a child is a really hard thing.

Congrats to Allen!

sara said...

so exciting this new position for Allen and I will be praying you find people to fill the needed positions soon!

So hard to hear about your friends. I can't imagine losing a child and what they are going through.

Kim said...

The three little pigs are tooooo adorable :)
I got tired reading all you did this week too!
So sad for your friends, but glad they had a loving "family" around them to help them through this time.
Have a great week!

riTa Koch said...

I rejoiced and cried through your post. The video of your friends' story was very moving and their decision to bless the nations, and Uganda specifically.
Blessings in the new position!

The Cyber Hermit said...

Congrats to Molly on the passing her swim class and felicitations to the birthday boy!

Emily A said...

Does Lauren still blog?

The Davidson Den said...

So sorry about the loss your friends have experienced. I can't fathom how hard that must have been (and still is). What a God-glorifying story they will tell for the rest of their lives.

LOVE the Three Little Piggies!! Precious idea!